Our next Skate Night will be on November 16 from 6-8pm at the Griffin Skate Inn. $5/person to skate and $2/skate rental. Cowan Road staff will be onsite until 8pm; please be sure students are picked up by that time. #ColtsCan
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
flyer for skate night; info in post
This week, November 6-10, let's show appreciation for our wonderful school psychologists. GSCS School Psychologists are dependable, responsive, resourceful and most importantly COMMITTED to the success and education of our students! During #SchoolPsychWeek show some extra love, gratitude and appreciation for your school's psychologist! #NSPW23 The 2023 National School Psychology Week theme, "Let's Grow Together," is inspired by the importance of both personal and shared strengths in our growth as individuals and school communities in every season of life. The theme recognizes four aspects of growth that are fundamental to effective learning environments and to school psychologists' role in supporting student well-being and learning.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
head shots of school psychologist
It's nearly time for our Thanksgiving Feast! Grade levels will be split between the two days. Wednesday, 11/15 will be for 1st, 4th, and 5th grades. Thursday, 11/16 will be for PreK, Kindergarten, 2nd and 3rd grades. Please limit to 2 visitors/student. The cost is $4.25/visitor (adults and children if not enrolled at Cowan Road). Cash only will be accepted the day of the event (please bring correct change). The menu will be Turkey and dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, and Cranberry Sauce. All visitors will ENTER through the front of the school to sign in & purchase lunch tickets. Visitors will EXIT through the cafeteria doors to the bus ramp. To check out students, the adult will re-enter through the front door, return to the office, and then receive the student. #ColtsCan
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
Thanksgiving Feast Flyer - info contained in post
HOW TO REDUCE YOUTH VIOLENCE IN OUR COMMUNITY? YOUR THOUGHTS ARE NEEDED! Our schools, neighborhoods and community play an integral role in shaping the future of our students, and together we have the power to foster positive change. Youth violence is something that affects us all; many of you have been impacted by violence. It is not confined within the walls of our schools; it has ripple effects throughout our community and vice versa. We want to gain deeper insights into the areas and ideas to reduce violence in our community. We value your input and are using ThoughtExchange so everyone has a chance to share their perspectives. Participate in the ThoughtExchange by scanning the QR code or by clicking this link: https://tejoin.com/scroll/715016980 Please share your thoughts and then rate at least 20-30 of the thoughts that others have shared. Your participation is confidential, so no one will know who shared or rated which thoughts. Please be polite and respectful as you share and rate thoughts. Thoughts that are rude or hurtful may be removed from the conversation.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
question marks
September Perfect Attendance Clap-Out!! https://bit.ly/3tXIOmD #ColtsCan
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
Did you know that November 3 is World Jellyfish Day? We didn't either but Follett is sharing this interactive eBook for FREE in honor of the day. Since we are at-home learning today, the timing is perfect. This is a great book to use with all of our students! #ColtsCan https://bit.ly/45PmeK7 If you read the story with your child, post a comment or a pic of them looking at it online. Mrs. Baker will draw a name to win a prize from those participating.
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
Image with 3 jellyfish and text reading world jellyfish day celebrated each year on November 3.
Friday, November 3, is an at-home learning day for all GSCS students.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
GSCS Families, This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, November 3, is an at-home learning day for all GSCS students. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Thank you to Marukan Vinegar for donating $10,000 to Griffin-Spalding Partners In Education! This money will help fund a REACH Scholarship, classroom/field trip grants, teacher tuition reimbursement scholarships and other support for our students and staff. Pictured (L-R): Marukan Vinegar Brewery Director Teddy Blalock and GSCS Superintendent Dr. Keith L. Simmons.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
2 men holding a big check
Our Robot Book Character winners received a token for the book vending machine! We enjoued seeing what students and families created at home. #ColtsCan
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
girl with book in front of book vending machine
girl with book in front of book vending machine
girl with book in front of book vending machine
girl with book in front of book vending machine
boy with book in front of book vending machine
girl with book in front of book vending machine
We participated in Read for the Record with approximately 240 students and staff members participating in an read-aloud by the author of the book, With Lots of Love. If you'd like to watch it too, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVwmrHmQT-U #ColtsCan
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
class in front of board with story showing
student with maraca
students on carpet in classroom
student with maraca
students in desk looking at board
student with maraca
students in desk looking at board
HOW TO REDUCE YOUTH VIOLENCE IN OUR COMMUNITY? YOUR THOUGHTS ARE NEEDED! Participate using the QR code or this link: https://tejoin.com/scroll/715016980 Our schools, neighborhoods and community play an integral role in shaping the future of our students, and together we have the power to foster positive change. Youth violence is something that affects us all; many of you have been impacted by violence. It is not confined within the walls of our schools; it has ripple effects throughout our community and vice versa. We want to gain deeper insights into the areas and ideas to reduce violence in our community. We value your input and are using ThoughtExchange so everyone has a chance to share their perspectives. Please share your thoughts and then rate at least 20-30 of the thoughts that others have shared. Your participation is confidential, so no one will know who shared or rated which thoughts. Please be polite and respectful as you share and rate thoughts. Thoughts that are rude or hurtful may be removed from the conversation.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
text clouds with question marks
Mrs. A. Smith's 2nd grade class used flashlights during OG as they studied -igh sounds. #ColtsCan
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
dark room, many students visible with flashlights
dark room, student reading with flashlight
Centers in Mrs. Boykin's PreK classroom this week - students learned and had fun! #ColtsCan
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
students interacting with blocks
teacher and student on floor with manipulatives
students at easel
students in centers
students at table
Dakota in Mrs. Hooks' 1st grade class taught his classmates the correct dictation for the word "subtract". He led the class in pound-finger tapping and they deciphered the sounds they heard. Then they wrote them on their papers together. #ColtsCan
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
male student writing "subtract" with projector showing his work
students in class
wide shot of students in class
students in classroom
Mrs. Black's 1st grade class completing an interactive syllabication lesson during OG. #ColtsCan
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
students holding papers with letters spelling "i-n-v-e-s-t" and "v-c-c-v"
male student separating students into groups
student separating kids
groups showing separate parts of a word
GSCS is in the planning phases for an Early Learning Program or Center. It is our vision to offer free and/or affordable preschool learning opportunities for three-year-olds within our district. We are assessing our employee and community needs, determining a location and planning the next steps. Please take a few moments to complete the survey with the QR code or at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PREK3Interest. If you have questions or comments, please use our customer service platform Let'sTalk at https://www.k12insight.com/Lets-Talk/embed.aspx?L=PGXN11R9B7LT
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
pre-k girl smiling
This is a local food drive in its 24th year! Rick Blackshear (one of our Partners in Education) started Together We Can to provide a way for the community to give back and support the local food pantry. Together We Can Food Drive is to benefit the Five Loaves and Two Fish food pantry located in Griffin, GA. They help provide food for families in need in Spalding County and surrounding areas. The need is greater than ever for you to donate! Even if you cannot attend, please make a donation online. Help us spread the word to your friends. Together We Can Food Drive is Two Days Only! Monday, October 30th 12:00pm – 6:00pm and Tuesday, October 31st 12:00pm - 8:00pm Blackshear Photography, 118 North Hill St., Griffin, GA 770 227-0750 What do you get? Receive 1- 5×7 and 4 – Wallets for every ten food items or $15 donation to the Five Loaves and Two Fish food pantry ( and knowing you helped families in our community!) This year’s goal is 20,000 cans or food items. Together We Can!! Your monetary donations will make the most impact on the total number of cans collected. The Pantry is able to purchase seven cans for each dollar from the Atlanta Food Bank. Your donation of $30 will purchase 210 cans for families in need. Children are welcome to wear their Halloween costumes, but not required. The background will be a Fall scene of hay bales and pumpkins. We encourage families and small groups to take advantage of this opportunity. Come out and see us. The purpose of the food drive is not really about photography! It is to raise awareness of the great need in our community. If you cannot attend today, please consider making a donation to the Five Loaves and Two Fish Food Pantry. Links: To Donate (or found out more about Five Loaves and Two Fishes Food Pantry): http://www.griffinfoodpantry.org/ Want to Volunteer for this event: https://www.blackshearphotography.com/form/together-we-can-volunteers-2023 Want to see some Pics from Past Years to get ideas: https://www.blackshearphotography.com/proofing/twc-2022
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
flyer about halloween pictures with food donation
image of little girl in costume holding a small pumpkin
We had a fabulous time today with EVERY single classroom having a guest reader during Pearls, Pumps, and Books! Special thanks to Carver Road Baptist, Brightmoor Hospice, UGA Griffin, and Connor Westbury Funeral Home for sharing ladies to come read with our students. #ColtsCan
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
collage of women reading in classrooms
collage of women reading in classrooms
collage of women reading in classrooms
collage of women reading in classrooms
Book Character Parade next week - October 31! This is set up differently than years prior - check with your student's teacher about what book they are doing. #ColtsCan
over 1 year ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
flyer about book character parade