The GSCS Back to School Celebration brought all 1400+ staff together for a high-energy, inspirational, motivational kick-off to the 2023-24 school year! Student leaders welcomed the staff and were emcees for the event. Staff learned and laughed with Innovative Teaching, Learning and Leadership Consultant and Author George Couros, who was the keynote speaker. Staff were also entertained by the Atlanta Braves Heavy Hitters Drum Line and Educator and Comedian J. Cornelius George. A lot of staff recognition occurred with the naming of the 2023 Classified Employees of the Year, Counselor of the Year and Media Specialist of the Year. The 2023-24 Teachers of the Year were celebrated and the District Teacher of the Year was revealed and surprised with a new car for a year, thanks to the district's partnership with Cronic Nissan! Partners In Education Food Depot, the City of Griffin and Spalding County donated gift cards and gift baskets to 20 lucky staff members. Thank you to all community partners who helped make this event great, especially Oak Hill Church for their generosity, hospitality and support!

Kona Ice will be available to purchase at Open House...we can't wait to see you!!

Staff attended the Education Celebration this morning as we begin PrePlanning. Mrs. A Smith, our teacher of the year, was recognized. The Atlanta Braves drumline entertained us and George Couros inspired us. We are ready for an amazing year! #ColtsCan

Thank you to our new neighbors @BurlingtonStores and the national nonprofit
@adoptaclassroom for their support of our classrooms. We are overwhelmed by their generous $5,000 donation to help further our students’ education! #BurlingtonEmpowersStudents #ColtsCan

Our Ms. Colquitt helping out the district by teaching new teachers at the GSCS new hire orientation! #ColtsCan

Join us for a Back to School cookout on July 28th from noon-4 p.m.! GSCS Student Support Services will be in attendance to provide information and answer questions. There will also be school supply giveaways, activities, music and more!

Tuesday, August 1, is Day One in the District! Community Partners in Education are invited to school campuses to welcome back students, parents and staff by opening car doors at carpool lines and waving to bus riders as they are dropped off at bus ramps. Drop-off times (welcome times) are Elementary 7 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., High School 7:45 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and Middle School 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. If Community Partners are interested in participating they should contact Adam Pugh via e-mail adam.pugh@gscs.org.

GSCS Student Registration Time is Officially Here!
New student registration (including Kindergarten students) may be done using our Online Registration System at:
In-person registration may also be done starting Wednesday, July 12 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Central Registration Building located at 234 E. Taylor Street. If you have any questions, please contact Central Registration at 470-771-4259 or via email at registration@gscs.org

Don't forget that the bell schedule has changed for the 2023-24 school year. This schedule will begin on the first day of school which is Tuesday, August 1.

Mark your calendars! Open House for the 2023-24 school year will be on Thursday, July 27 from 3-7 p.m. at all GSCS schools.

Want to know more about the history of July 4th? This interactive eBook is available for free (for a limited time) to read with your child. It is geared for 3rd-6th graders but can certainly be shared with all ages!
Have a happy and safe 4th of July next week!

Students are busy learning to #ReadWriteSpeakSolve this summer at the GSCS Rising Kindergarten Summer Transition Program at Cowan Road Elementary! This 6-week program is preparing students to enter kindergarten this August. #kindergartenreadiness

Reminders for tomorrow's Field Day! Looks like NO RAIN but if there is rain, we will move all activities indoors and, unfortunately, will not be able to allow visitors due to space.

Upcoming Skate Night!
Supervision will only be in place until 8pm.

Mental Health and Positive Student Supports: Family Education Webinar Series

Summer Meals

Thanks to @Carver Road Baptist Church for providing lunch for our staff on Friday. It was a yummy meal and much-needed treat. We enjoyed being able to eat together. Thanks for all you continue to do for out school. #Coltscan

Just a reminder...tomorrow is a virtual day!

Dr. Anwar's and Mrs. Kelley's classes had a great time today at Special Olympics, in spite of the weather.