Thank you to GSCS Partner in Education Brightmoor Healthcare for surprising our hard-working social workers and giving them gifts for Social Work Month! We appreciate your support!
Pre-K on the look out! 2024-25 Pre-K acceptance letters are being sent out. For questions, please contact GSCS Pre-K Director Dr. Chris Bearden at or 770-229-3700 Ext. 10395.
Friendly reminder: Gameboards are due this FRIDAY (before Spring Break). Each completed (and initialed by parent/guardian) board returned will earn a token for the book vending machine! #ColtsCan #ReadAcrossAmerica #LifeLongReaders
Our pop-up Big Event will be one day this week! (students don't know which day). You can send cash for students to purchase additional concessions that day. All items will be $1. #ColtsCan #BigEvent #PBIS
Spring Picture Day is TOMORROW, March 26 (Tuesday). Blackshear Photography will be offereing our Spring Pictures at Cowan Road Elementary. Dress your best for our unique Spring background. Class pictures will be taken - and individual pictures if purchased.
We are offering professional photography at school prices. Siblings and cousins can be included.
Pay online here:
Rain or Shine, the GSCS 5K Run/Walk is tomorrow Saturday, March 23, 2024!
Register at the event or or
Families, if you haven't already done so, please remember to purchase your child's field day shirts. The deadline for online sales is April 7th!!! Cash sales end April 8th! Note that each grade has a specific color.
#ColtsCan #FieldDay
Your voice matters! Inviting all GSCS parents, students, staff, and community members to join our FY25 Stakeholder Input Meeting. We are seeking your input regarding the District-Level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan and District Plan (S-CLIP). See you on March 25th!
Mark your calendars...GSCS Spring Break is April 1-5, 2024. All schools and offices will be closed that week.
See these helpful tips for bus stop and pedestrian safety.
On Tuesday, we had "Real Men Read" with men from the community, district, businesses, and local churches come and read with every single one of our classes. The kids enjoyed it - and I'm pretty sure these gentlemen did, too! We are so thankful for those outside the school who will take the time to build connections with our students (and staff). Thanks to Carver Road Baptist, Georgia Banking Company, Journey Church, Conner-Westbury Funeral Home, GSCS, and Bokar Shiners 166 for sharing your men with us! #ColtsCan #LifeLongReaders #RealMenRead
Last week, we celebrated Read Across America throughout the building. PreK had multiple days of activities! ALL students were given a gameboard with reading activities. (These boards can be returned any time up through March 29 to receive a token for the vending machine. )
The Literati Book Fair is coming next week! Details coming soon but get ready to promote reading! #ColtsCan #Read #LifeLongReaders
March 11-15, 2024, is School Board Appreciation Week! Thank you Griffin-Spalding Board of Education Members for your leadership, support and commitment to the students and staff of the Griffin-Spalding County School System!
Our Reading Bowl team did an awesome job competing today. They came in 4th of 10 schools. They read books, answered quiz bowl type questions, and had fun! #CowanCan #ReadingBowl
This year's Griffin-Spalding County District Reading Bowl at GRCCA saw ten elementary schools compete in a celebration of literacy and learning. Futral Road Elementary claimed first place, with Crescent Elementary School in second and Beaverbrook Elementary third. Thank you sponsors Slices Pizza and Innvision Hospitality. Congratulations to all of the students. Keep Reading! Futral Road: 5th graders: Bailey Bowen, Ryan Bowen, Lucy Folds, Coltin Ross, Ben Taylor, 4th graders: Callie Williams, Alayna Wilson, Coach: Leslie Benefield Crescent: 5th graders: Madelyn Clark, TJ Varnadoe, Makiya Price, Moriah Styler, Lochlann Wellman, 4th graders: Mykah Beard, Kynzie Ryan, Judah Huckaby, Larsen McLean, Coach: Rhonda Grubb Beaverbrook team: 5th graders: Jacob Medina, Eli Taylor, 4th graders: Connie Mosqueda, Mackenzie Justice, Bentley Mendez, Ashley Cruz-Ayala, Rubi Amezquita-Lopez, Coach Ashley Baldwin
Our first student has completed the Gameboard Challenge for Read Across America. An entirely filled in (and initialed board) earns a token for the book vending machine! As the very first one in the building, Logan received a bonus token and selected 2 tokens for the machine. #ColtsCan #ReadReadRead #LifelongReaders
Regional Certified Educator Job Fair - April 27. Pre-registration is required:
2024-25 GSCS Pre-K Registration is happening NOW through March 11, 2024! For a list of required documents and to register online visit: For in-person registration visit
234 E. Taylor Street, Griffin, GA 30224.
GSCS school nursing services provided a free community screening event for students registering for Griffin-Spalding County Schools in conjunction with Pre-K registration. They provided free screenings for hearing, vision, nutrition and dental yesterday and will again tomorrow.