Mrs. Burford's 1st class enjoyed learning about Penelope while in the science lab with Ms. Hayes. #ColtsCan
almost 2 years ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
woman holding turtle in classroom
students touching turtle shell
teacher showing students turtle
ESOL Family Event April 29 10am until 12 noon GRCCA
almost 2 years ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
Flyer for ESOL Family Event on April 29, 10am until 12 noon
Spanish version of ESOL family event on April 29 from 10am until 12 noon
Don't forget Skate Night tonight!! #ColtsCan
almost 2 years ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
Skate Night flyer, April 19 6-8pm at Griffin Skate Inn
Mrs. Vaughn's 2nd grade class learning red words. #ColtsCan
almost 2 years ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
students and one adult standing in classroom
Mrs. Roland's 2nd grade class working on red words. #ColtsCan
almost 2 years ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
Students standing in classroom
First graders planted beans in Ms. Hayes' Science Lab as part of learning about plant life cycles. #Coltscan
almost 2 years ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
Adult and kids at tables with cups of soil
group of children seated at tables looking in cups
two boys peeking into cup of soil