All GSCS schools and offices will be closed in observance of Memorial Day on Monday, May 27.
9 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
American Flag
The GSCS Summer Reading Challenge is Back! See the flyer for more information.
9 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
summer reading challenge
GSCS Summer Reading Challenge! All of our students are invited to participate in these challenges to promote and increase reading time (and skills) over the summer. There are prizes involved; all students who completed will ALSO receive a book vending machine token when school starts back in August. Have a great summer! #ColtsCan #ReadReadRead
9 months ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
GSCS Summer Reading Challenge
Today and tomorrow, as we have special events for honors programs, our student check-out procedures WILL look different than our regular procedures to accommodate the larger number of dismissals. Please be patient as we check IDs and call for students. ALL adults checking out a student WILL need a state-issued ID. Thanks!!
9 months ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
Same info as in post text on lime green background.
Free Summer Meal Opportunities for Students (18 and under)
9 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
summer meals vegetables
summer meals
GSCS Class of 2024 Senior Walks are this afternoon! Elementary Schools are at 1:30 p.m. and Middle Schools are at 3 p.m. Congratulations Class of 2024! #GSCSGrad24
9 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Graduation caps
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about the vital role mental health plays in our overall health and well-being and provide resources and information to support individuals and communities that may need it. Get Ready for Mental Health Action Day on Thursday, May 16, 2024, and Wear GREEN! Mental Health Action Day encourages everyone to take action for themselves, their loved ones, or their community. #MentalHealthMatters #GoGreen If you have concerns about your or someone else's mental health, please get in touch with a medical professional or call 988 for a free, confidential conversation.
9 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
green ribbon
These 3 first graders were recognized for being all-around amazing students. Their teacher, Mrs. Mann says these are boys who work hard, get along with others, are leaders, and just all-around awesome every single day! They were recognized on the morning announcements this morning and asked to lead the pledge. #ColtsCan #ExcelAndLead #AwesomeFirsties
9 months ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
3 boys standing with 2 adults
kids and adult using phone
3 boys leading the pledge
Carver Road Baptist Church always takes such amazing care of us. This week for Teacher Appreciation, they have brought goodie bags to each staff member, home-baked cookies on another day, grilled burgers and hot dogs on Wednesday, and prepared an amazing pancake bar this morning! Thank you so much to Carver Road Baptist. #ColtsCan #PIE #CommunityCares #CarverRoadBC
9 months ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
men around grill and table of foods
women serving food
women serving food
ladies at buffet line
ladies serving pancakes
pancake line with griddles and ladies cooking
This morning GSCS IT detected attempted suspicious activity from accounts outside our network. As a preventative precaution, the IT department has reset all student passwords. School Administrators will work with teachers to make students aware of their new passwords. This may impact software applications such as SAVAS, I-Ready, Edgenuity and HMH (today only). No data has been accessed. The GSCS network has not been compromised. This is a preventative measure. All staff accounts are secured via two-factor authentication and do not require a password reset. The safety measures put in place by GSCS IT in the past year helped to minimize this type of outside activity. Thank you,
9 months ago, Adam Pugh
GSCS IT Update - Student Account Password Reset
Dear Griffin-Spalding Parents and Staff, GSCS is aware of potential inclement weather in the state of Georgia. We are in contact with meteorologists and are actively monitoring the weather. Processes are in place to ensure safety. We will keep you updated (via GSCS App, e-mail, text message, etc) if weather changes impact school operations.
9 months ago, Adam Pugh
GSCS is monitoring the weather
Congratulations to the GSCS students who received scholarships today from Kiwanis Club of Griffin. Funds for these scholarships are raised via the pancake breakfast, disc golf tournament and three scholarship endowments. Scholarships awarded today totaled more than $16,000.00. Students and their colleges are: Miles Stansberry (UGA), Bethany Williamson (UGA), Jeremiah Norris (Kennesaw St.), Ayla Spencer (SCAD), Abigail Banks (Brewton-Parker), Brittain Gill (GA Southern), Ellie Foster (GA Southern). Great job students! Thank you Kiwanis! Photos include Kiwanis Club President Doug Hardwick and Scholarship Committee Chairperson Amy Dunham.
9 months ago, Adam Pugh
GSCS Scholars at Griffin Kiwanis Club
Ayla Spencer - Callum Reid Scholarship Recipient with Kiwanis Club President Doug Hardwick and Scholarship Committee Chairperson Amy Dunham
Bethany Williamson - Davis Peoples Scholarship Recipient with Kiwanis Club President Doug Hardwick and Scholarship Committee Chairperson Amy Dunham
Bethany Williamson - Davis Peoples Scholarship Recipient  with Kiwanis Club President Doug Hardwick and Scholarship Committee Chairperson Amy Dunham
Ellie Foster with Kiwanis Club President Doug Hardwick and Scholarship Committee Chairperson Amy Dunham
Brittain Gill with Kiwanis Club President Doug Hardwick and Scholarship Committee Chairperson Amy Dunham
Jeremiah Norris with Kiwanis Club President Doug Hardwick and Scholarship Committee Chairperson Amy Dunham
Abigail Banks with Kiwanis Club President Doug Hardwick and Scholarship Committee Chairperson Amy Dunham
What important life skills and experiences do our students need to prepare them for success in learning and life? Please share your thoughts with us by participating in this ThoughtExchange. It will only take two minutes. Scan the QR Code or visit Thank you!
9 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Though exchange QR code
Today's school nurse is so much more than the stereotype of ice, lice and band-aids! School nurses are essential for healthy kids, healthy schools and healthy communities! Thank you GSCS School Nurses for all you do! GSCS Nurses: Esther Harris, LPN; Stephanie Williams, LPN; Libby Reeves, RN; Melissa Blanton, LPN; Paige Tatum, LPN; Stacey Ard, LPN; Stephanie Berndt, RN; Judy Engel, RN; Charley Biggins, LPN; Tonya Sharpton, RN; Michele Cobb, LPN; Amanda Islieb, RN; Jackie O'Neal, LPN; Lasjuana "Ty" Johnson, LPN; Ashley Goins, LPN; Jameelah Uqdah, LPN; Octavie Sims(substitute) & Candice Atwater, LPN GSCS Nursing Supervisor Melissa Dingler, RN Dental Program Staff Cindy Carrillo & Dani Etheridge
9 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
school nurses
Our elite 4th grade student leaders were selected to take part in the first ever “4th grade Leadership Conference” held at Cowan Middle last week, organized by the District Counseling Dept & 4th grade teachers. Great job representing our school and learning new leadership and ressponsibility skills. #ColtsCan #StudentLeaders
9 months ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
Group of students posing in front of board.
Small group working
Small group working
Small group working
Small group working
Small group working
Adult presenting to group of students
Adult presenting to group of students
Students with hands raised
Group of students working
Please see these helpful testing tips and important information about the GSCS 2024-25 Open House.
9 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
open house
test tips
GSCS Senior Cabinet hosted an appreciation breakfast for all GSCS nutrition staff in celebration of today being School Lunch Hero Day. We are thankful for our nutrition staff who are heroes for our students every day!
9 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
nutrition workers
ladies at table
group sitting
serving food
serving line
serving drinks
serving line
cabinet posing
Students enjoyed fun in the sun yesterday at the GSCS Department of Exceptional Students Inclusive Arts Event at the City Park!
9 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
student doing art
student doing art
student doing art
playing game
face paint
snow cone
snow cone
students posing
students playing ball
May 3rd is School Lunch Hero Day! Show some love to all of our amazing school nutrition superheroes! Thank you for all you do every day for our students!
9 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
lunch workers super heroes
We celebrated Autism Awareness earlier this week wearing blue, completing artwork, and Ms. Jharia's class served us all lemonade! #ColtsCan #Recognition #AutismAwareness
9 months ago, Cowan Rd Elementary
artwork on bulletin board
group of students and teachers in hall with sign reading "Autism Awareness"
cups and trays on counter
cups of lemonade